Sunday 30 January 2011

remind me never ever to go to the Amazon again

seriously we nearly lost Gabby today, and Dr lord, and well we could of also lost everyone else. the day started kind of well (see blog below) with breakfast with Gabby before we had a catch up session with Dr lord. once we were all there he teleported us all the the Amazon Rainforest, and well I instantly hated it, too hot, too sticky, lots of tree everywhere (don't get me wrong, I don't hate trees but well they were everywhere and so close you couldn't even fit a small bike between some of them)

Anyway supposedly Dr lord had some kind of stations out here he was observing something with and these had been damaged in the last few weeks, and he wanted us to find out what going on.

anyway we troops off in to the forrest, Dr lord sitting around waiting for us to do the hard word before meeting a curupira  or something like that, seriously Sonia (another student of Dr lords) started talking with it,  and started talking about think like wild pigs (which I wasn't allowed to BBQ) and pink dolphins- you get dolphins in the Amazon even I know that

Anyway at this point I deside to go and sit on tree stump and try and sort out the mother of all hangovers (I
blame gabby, never agreeing to take anything off her again ever)

Well that plan is very quickly scuppered as something explodes from beneath me launching me up in to the air and landing at Gabby's feet (just what I needed in the current situation) and from where there was a tree stump is this huge creature thing

anyway the strange curupira  thinging makes this strange screaming noise and says "MAPINGUARI!"

anway at this point I deside I'm going to need so aerial support, time to summon my bike (wow I love my bike, you can summon it with a set of keys, thanks dad!)

anyway we all set about this creature, most of the blows either bounce off or miss until I charge in Diving off my bike and grabbing the thing around the neck, while Alex jabs at it which only seams to make it angry

however seconds later I've being flung across the forest again and landing heavy, and I scramble to my feet to find the thing lay in to Gabby and send her flying across the forest, a huge gouge out of her chest

and then just as everything seems to be going badly Jahiera fires a flaming arrow at the beast and cataches fire and burns to death

I rush over to gabby but Liam gets the first, and even I know she aint looking in a very good state at all, however Liam says some mumbo jumbo and she seems to look a little better though still not 100%

at this point Dr lord desides to turn up, well less turn up and more gets thrown in to the area by something and then two evil looking guy turn up, and then just as everyone thinks it couldn't get any worse, gabby has one of her strange eye fit things and ends up collapsing on my bike

just as it looks likes it all over one of Dr lord's band mates turns up and well two golden spears and a charge of giant pigs laters the evil guys are gone and instead floating about us is some guy in a ponco and a mask who seems to know Dr lord

anyway at this point Dr lord desides to get us out of here, but to provide the legend for him to do so we all need to give blood (even gabby gives dispight me offering for me and her) anyway we get back safely, Gabby is healed by Dr lord and then I go and get the worlds longest shower ever before the worst part of the day starts

Gabby is in the kitchen and wants to talk to me, this could be fun

Saturday 29 January 2011

what a night

remind me never ever ever go drinking with gabby again
ow my head hurts

yep after getting back from the mother of all fights I popped back to the group to say hello before going to See Dr lord, and bacicly I got to chill for a bit with Gabby and Sean and we agreed to (once I'd gone to see Dr lord.) that me and gabby would pop to town and get a bite to eat and a new ride before going out clubbing- sounded like a great idea, espeicaly when my mate from home, becca desided to meet up with us- suposidly she wanted to tell me something, so we desired to get lunch together as Gabby wanted to met becca, which was cool with me

so anyway went of to Dr lords office and found him sat waiting for me with the mother of all tests, and I mean the mother of all tests, I don't think the table could of taken the weight of any more stuff and well after struggling though that Dr lord decided it was probably for the best to heal me compleatly (wow well that shows Sean right up) before doing so mystery mumbo jumbo (don't ask me I just hit stuff) and telling me that the cult is killing people to make eliaxa so they can change it for somekind of relic, e.g. I'm not liking the sound of that, neither is Dr lord, he is going to work some stuff out and then we will go from there

anyway we went off in to town and got what we needed and before tucking in to lunch, man that place does the most amazing14oz stakes ever, I might have to go back there, they might even beat my mom's

anyway once thats all done we had back to the house, amazing becca with the floor that doesn't exsit before getting set up for tonight, and well you havn't seen anything till you saw becca and gabby in what they were wering for going clubbing, Im a big girl kind of guy (I'd take a good fight and a pint above sex any day) but they were sweet as

anyway Gabby drove us to the NYC where we were going clubbing, me and becca sat in the back just chilling, wow it was good to catch up and tell her about all the guy we ment and who there parents were and stuff like that (she is the only person who know's my dads thor) and then upon arrival the car was taken away for us while chlose mannaged to get up stright in to a club dispight a huge line, nice skills her

anyway I got dumped getting the drinks in while Liam, becca and gabby went off dancing (works for me I'm not exactly what you would call gracious) and so after turning back up at the table I started throwing back a beer or 3 enjoying something that wasn't thor's special brew (no offence dad but when your drinking it for a week straight it gets a bit samey)

anyway I reliused about 10 mins later that becca had wanded and I coun't locate her on the dance floor, and with Dr lord saying something about us lot drawing in trouble and so I went to find liam and gabby to see if they had seen her. Well after cartching liam mid flip (he shouldn't of black fliped in to me) he didn't know what was going on, but gabby said she had gone over to the bar to find me

well unless I'm now 5 foot with long brown hair and the biggest moobs ever, and mannaged to be in two places at once, becca hadn't found me, intead she must of got chatting to some woman, and just as I mannage to locate her, the two of them kiss, and I mean full on tongue wrestling here, not something you want to see, espeicaly considering its becca

anyway this all leads to the mother of all arguments in the middle of which gabbys older brother turns up, and well if you look up doshbag in the disonary there will be a picture of him there, he is a real mean guy, so much so even liam slog him one (might of been better it was him not me, the guy keeps his face that way rather than just having mush)

anyway that pretty much ruins the evening and we decided to end it there, me and becca refusing to talk to each other, for the entire trip back, I mean why didn't she tell me, why did she just have to grab the nearest woman and tickle her tonsils ???

anyway I go to bed and wake up the next morning not sure weather I'm grumpy or not, and so resided to make my normal hang over cure lots of bacon, lots of eggs, lots of saussages and then an entire bottle of orange juice

well just as I get going gabby walks in, and well she must be able to make anything look sexy because I couldn't take my eyes of her, and she talks to me about last night, turns out she knew about becca, but reminds me she is just a mortal and well not used to all this stuff, and well she might not be able to find a man to satisy her, she might find a woman (don't ask me about this mumbo jumbo love stuff)

anyway I finish breckfast and me and gabby sit down to eat it, and well I've never had a breakfast like it, and well lets just say we didn't have time for washing up to be done before Dr lords personal tuturoing for his favourably students- bairly enough time for me to do this while gabby sorts out her self

Monday 3 January 2011

1st blog?

I've been advised by friends and my lectures to start this blog thing, I'm no computer expert so here goes nothing I hope this posts *holds breath*

firstly an introduction, My name is Dave jones and I'm attending Harmon univisity which is a normal univisity, untill you start to dig in to it, and begin to find stange goings on, as Harmon has a secret, it is also the univisity of choice of the gods 

now I'm not talking the moden day gods as such (jebus may or may not be real I'm not sure) I'm talking the old gods, you know Thor, Zeus, Anubis thoughs kinds of gods. If fact speaking of Thor, he's my dad, i know pritty cool hay, not only do I learn the god's exsist I get the most Bad ass one as a farther 

well some time it cool some times it isn't 

for example it isn't cool that my adoptive parents were killed by a another child of the gods, while it is cool I've got my own band of bikers to lead, but it isn't cool that I've not idea who, or what my birth mother is or was or even if where she is, and thor isn't saying anything, However it is cool that thor has given me a load of cool stuff like flying bikes and refilling pint pots (I like my beer!), its not cool though that one of my most cool presents, a micro brewery (my adoptive parents taught me the bacic's I'm learning the rest here at uni), was stolen from me when my adoptive parents died and I've still got to find it 

Specking of which I've just got back of a mission trying to find it, My Dad got a tip off that there was some scion activity in the local area with a few deaths of the homeless and the like, and asked me to look in to it, considering the fact his sorce said there was a microbrewery seen with them.

So my Dad sends me off to look in to things, reconnisance style, you know sneek in with my buddies scope the place out and genrally find out whats going on, and hopefully not get in to trouble 

so we mannage to find out the location of one of the leaders latkeys, turns out there are scions, two of them a couple to be presisice, one of them crazy vodoo types and an blood thirsty aztec one (as if I didn't have a enough problems with mate Gabriella (more on her and the rest of my mates later) who are lining up the homeless some how (possibly some crazy vodoo power) and then getting them to slit there own throats while the aztec just collets the blood in some big bowl thing before poring it in to an even bigger bowl, time to get out of there I think 

The only problem is one the way out one of my buddies trips and falls knocking over some stuff and before we know it the 6 of us are surrounded by 60 posset mortals trying to kill us, luckly me and my biker buddies are blessed by thor and so we mannaged to fight our way out though we have some nice scars from the trip including a scar just below my eye and a deep one on my back, not sure who to let have a look at it, might ask Dr lord when I talk to him tomorrow

So I get back to uni with the bikers (luckly we all survicved though they might need some time to recover, not being 3rd hand devince (they get most of there power from my blood) I'll be fine in a few days hopefully thanks to my dad) and I find I've missed an exam (YES!!! I hate exams) but have a new assiment, raising some griffins, sounds fun to me.

also when I get back Gabrella and my other freands alex and sean are there and able to bring me up to speed and typing this up while I'm waiting for the rest of the gang to show up so I can tell them whats been going on the last few week or so while I've been gone, and I can catch up with what I've missed, turns out Gabrella and sean dared to go clubbing with out me, I'll have to show them what I can do next time 

specking of my band mate here is the full run down of them 

Alex- A scion of Hephaestus 
A serioly cool guy, he is almost as big as I am, and great with his hands, and also in to his wrestling which is cool with me, seriously this guy is like my best mate, great laugh and a real honnest bloke, just what I like 

Gabriella- scion of Tezcatlipoca
I seriously don't know what to think of Gabiella, one the one hand she is increably good looking and kind of flerty, on the other hand she seems to have some issuses, something do with problems with her parents mortal and godly, and well we have clashed before over me hiding things, and some of our powers, turns out she needs the heart of things she kills for her dad, where as some of my powers rely on the blood of foes, and some of them I could use to help the group out anyway (forexample the bears we had to fight recently, if I could of got some of my blood in to him I'd of had my own grizzly, but gab descicded to rip out its heart) still not sure where I am with her but we had a chat and seem to be starting to gel 

Sean Regan- scion of Aengus
Sean is the party animal of the group (after me) a real cool customer, good looking, a real lady charmer and genraly flert, he seems a cool guy though don't know him to well, though sounds like the kind of guy I could get along with 

Jahiera Saladin- Scion of Bastet

Jahi I just don't seem to get, she spends all her time in book and no time partying (to my knollage) and seems to say a lot of things I just don't get, but she has a cool cat and well maybe I've just got to get to know her, after all we have only all just me 

Ren Panganiban, Scion of Izanagi-no-Mikoto

talk about compleat oppisits, ren is nothing like me what so ever, he seems to dodge every fight going and spends more time with his computer, but it works for me, we can't all be great fighers and he seems to be more deep of thought than me 

and last not but lease 

Liam O'Doherty, Scion of Lugh
supposidly this guy is T-total, why anyone would want to do that beond medical reasons I've no idea, but liam has made that choice and its not up to me to change his mind, though the offer of beer is there if he does 
he seems to be cool, though a little quiet, but hay maybe he will get more involved when he gets to know us